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A27 Arundel Bypass Neighbourhood Committee (ABNC)
Before the South Downs National Park was designated, an A27 Arundel Bypass on the Pink/Blue route (now 'Option A') had been proposed - and rejected by Alastair Darling on environmental grounds, stating that the damage to the Arundel watermeadows area would be unacceptable and a different solution must be found.
On 25th June 2014 the Chief Executive of the National Park Authority wrote the letter you can read here, explaining the emerging approach of the National Park Authority on this issue. On 28th October the National Park Authority Members finalized their Position Statement on major transport infrastructure proposals which you can read here.
The boundary of the National Park in the Arundel area can be seen on the two maps available here and here. It is important to understand that the Section 62 statutory duty of the Highways Agency to have regard to the Purposes and Special Qualities of the National Park aimed primarily at conserving and enhancing the countryside, does not stop at the boundary line of the National Park. How this applies to the landscape south-west of Arundel has been set out as evidence by ABNC Secretary Emma Tristram in a paper sent 12.10.14 to the South Downs National Park Authority, which you can read here.
The land traversed by Options 3 and 5A has protected National Park status.
MP for this area Nick Herbert has publicly stated that he does not support Option B, in the letter to residents of Walberton Binsted and Fontwell which you can read here. The established process by which government takes decisions on major trunk road changes can be read by clicking here.
Arun District Council are in process of reviewing their Local Plan policies includingTransport policy which currently includes a policy to safeguard the line of the A27 Pink/Blue route (referred to now as Option 3). Councillor Norman Dingemans, in his capacity as Arun District Councillor, has taken on board the need to represent communities in Arun by keeping all options open at this stage whether offline or online. The policies currently in the Arun Local Plan were subject to review at its Examination In Public and the comments submitted by Emma Tristram for consideration at the EIP can be read on these links:
Matters&Issues 2.4 Matters&Issues 6 6App1 6App2 6App3 6App4 6App5 6App6
Click here to read what the candidates in the 2015 General Election said about the A27 and the Arundel Bypass
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We will keep you in touch with Arundel A27 affairs by e-newsletter.