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    • All Arundel bypass routes too damaging

      2nd Oct 2019
      On 1st October, the South Downs National Park Authority decided its response to Highways England's consultation on six high speed dual carriageway options for an Arundel bypass.   None of them, as presented, could be supported; it was not clear whether any possible mitigation could make them supportable.   The landscape ...Read More...

      ABNC Secretary's speech in Parliament

      4th Aug 2019
      Latest news on the Arundel Bypass story reaches the House of Commons by ABNC Secretary Emma Tristram   On 24 June Norman Lamb MP hosted the opening event of ‘Evidence Week’ at the Strangers’ Dining room in the House of Commons.  This is run by a charity called ‘Sense About Science’ together with the House ...Read More...

      £250M bypass at Arundel likely to be cancelled due to poor BCR - cheaper option more likely to actually get built

      24th Apr 2019
      The following article by Dom Browne appeared on Transport Network, April 2019 10% of RIS 1 schemes shelved on value for money grounds Around 10% of the schemes on Highways England’s original 2015-2020 programme have been kicked into the long grass as they do not provide the necessary return on investment. And around a third have be...Read More...

      Highways England's Errors Blog no.4

      5th Mar 2019
      The Extraordinary Mistake about Ancient Woodland Areas   Highways England’s 2017 consultation about the Arundel Bypass was already rotten with errors - so much so, that they propose to re-consult this year.   Now a new, extraordinary error has come to light which throws even further into question the whole road decision-mak...Read More...

      Highways England's Errors Blog no.3

      17th Feb 2019
      They hid the damage to historic Binsted Park   Binsted Park is a ‘pocket park’ within Binsted Woods, a landscaped park created in about 1800 to be viewed from Binsted House.   Option 5A goes through Binsted Park from one side to the other and destroys it. This fact was hidden in the 2017 consultation by an extraordina...Read More...

      Highways England's Errors Blog no.2

      22nd Dec 2018
      They hid the damage to Binsted Woods   Emma Tristram writes:  I based my legal case against Highways England’s Preferred Route decision on the errors in the 2017 consultation.    Rather than have the errors come out in court, Highways England decided to reconsult.   The preparations for the...Read More...

      Highways England's Errors Blog no.1

      29th Nov 2018
      They hid the damage to Binsted village   Emma Tristram writes:  I based my legal case against Highways England’s Preferred Route decision on the errors in the 2017 consultation.    Rather than have the errors come out in court, Highways England decided to reconsult.   The preparations for t...Read More...

      Campaigners welcome legal action outcome

      19th Nov 2018
      PRESS RELEASE 18.11.18 Environmental and sustainable transport campaigners have welcomed the result of Dr Emma Tristram’s legal action, but say, ‘we need smarter solutions’.  Dr Tristram was contesting Highways England’s decision to put a new dual carriageway route through Arundel’s watermeadows and the South Dow...Read More...

      Is mitigation possible?

      18th Oct 2018
      Mitigation measures can be proposed but many impacts are not capable of being adequately mitigated. Have Highways England done their homework on what the cost of mitigating their 5A Arundel bypass would be, so far as it can be done (which is not far enough)?  We think not.  And we think that if they did this job properly, they would canc...Read More...

      First saved, now a road junction? The best Ancient Woodland in coastal Sussex

      7th Aug 2018
      The paradox is this.  How could an Ancient Woodland of 'national importance' be the government's reason for rejection of an Arundel bypass route in 1992, and yet, in 2018, be destined by Highways England for destruction by the new Arundel Bypass Option 5A? 1992: Hundred House Copse, one of the 20 named woods that make ...Read More...

      What price England's environmental assets?

      5th Aug 2018
      Binsted Park represents "the vanishing England of my youth", said artist Michael Wishart, in his book 'High Diver'.  Beloved of Laurie Lee in his day and of thousands today: is this landscape doomed because Highways England's consultants WSP are not working to the nation's real long term priorities? SHORT VERSION ...Read More...

      Talk by Peter Owen-Jones

      21st Jul 2018
      On Thursday 26th July 7.30 there is a talk by Peter Owen-Jones in Walberton Pavilion BN18 0PJ, "What the Camera didn't Say", £10 at the door, tickets can be booked on info@arundelbypass.co.uk .  Peter is an English Anglican priest, author and television presenter. When he arrived in the South Downs to take up a new post as...Read More...

      Highways England's own report reveals more Faults in their consultation on the A27 Arundel bypass

      13th Jun 2018
      Highways England’s own Scheme Assessment Report (May 2018) shows that the information they provided in the 2017 Arundel A27 Public Consultation was even more seriously wrong than we had thought.  The public and local authorities were misled about the options as regards biodiversity, Benefit-Cost Ratios, landscape views, and traffic.&nb...Read More...

      Press release: Crowdfunding launched for second legal challenge to Arundel A27 bypass

      13th Jun 2018
      A crowdfunding campaign is being launched this week to raise funds for a second legal challenge to Highways England, over their plan to put a dual carriageway through Arundel’s watermeadows and the South Downs National Park. Last month, less than two weeks after Highways England announced its preferred route for the A27 at Arundel, the South...Read More...

      Arundel Bypass letter sent to Jesse Norman

      28th May 2018
      To Jesse Norman Under Secretary of State for Transport Department for Transport Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 4DR 27 May 2018 Dear Jesse Norman Arundel Bypass Rachel Maskell MP spoke in Parliament on Thursday 24th May about the NGOs’ complaint that the Secretary of State’s proposals for the Arundel Bypass c...Read More...

      Arundel Bypass call for review as 'Contrary to Policy': Joint letter from 10 NGO's to Chris Grayling & Michael Gove

      25th May 2018
      Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, Secretary of State for Transport &  Rt Hon Michael Gove, Secretary of State for the Environment and Rural Affairs 23 May 2018 Dear Secretaries of State,                                              ...Read More...

      Battle lines drawn over Arundel road plan

      24th May 2018
      Press release from SCATE, South Coast Alliance for Transport and the Environment A group of ten national transport and conservation organisations, with a combined supporter base of over 3 million have written to the Transport Secretary Chris Grayling and the Environment Secretary Michael Gove to request a review of the Arundel bypass proposed by H...Read More...

      New Transport Vision launched in Arundel

      22nd May 2018
      SCATE Press Release:  'The future's bright – without more big roads' A vision of a healthier, greener, better for business and better connected future for the Sussex coast was launched at Arundel Town Hall on Thursday. Campaign for Better Transport expert, Bridget Fox, highlighted key findings of the 'New Transport...Read More...

      Environmental Campaigners slam Damaging Bypass Plans

      14th May 2018
      Guest blog:  The Argus article by Josh Walton, 14th May 2018 Environmental campaigners slam 'damaging' bypass plans Josh Walton  @argus_josh   CAMPAIGNERS have raised concerns about the “enormous damage” a new bypass could have on wildlife and the environment. Highways England has announced th...Read More...

      Campaigners vow to fight plans to build Arundel Bypass 5A

      14th May 2018
      Guest blog: SpiritFM article 14th May 2018 5:05am 14th May 2018  (Updated 6:06am 14th May 2018) Campaigners say they'll consider seeking a judicial review of Highway's England's decision for the preferred route of the A27 Arundel bypass, warning it will be 'extraordinarily damaging' for the area. Highways bosses an...Read More...
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